Divorce signature, marriage dissolution document.

Does San Francisco Have a Higher Divorce Rate?

No. San Francisco has a fairly high marriage rate and a divorce rate that is below the national average. According to the most recent data, the current divorce rate in the United States is 14.9%, but the current divorce rate in San Francisco is just 7.04%.

San Francisco County also has one of the lowest divorce rates in the North Bay.

Are Divorce Rates Higher in Cities?

Yes. In general, divorce rates are higher in cities than in rural areas. According to Pew Research Center, however, family life is changing across urban, suburban, and rural communities in the United States.

For example, adults are getting married later in life, and fewer adults are getting married, in the first place. The divorce rate may soon start to decrease in cities because the rate of married adults is lower in urban areas. It is already decreasing nationwide.

City dwellers are also more likely to have children outside of marriage, which means child custody may present bigger problems for San Francisco residents than divorces.

Adapting to Our Client’s Needs

At Fenchel Family Law PC, we are committed to our clients and our communities. Whether you choose to get married and wish to sign a prenuptial agreement, or you simply want to find a way to co-parent your children outside of marriage, we are here to help.

At our firm, we handle family law issues using a holistic, non-judgmental approach. We want to help you take your life back as you navigate parenthood – and marriage and divorce if those legal issues are relevant to you.

Getting divorced in San Francisco may be less common than it is in other parts of the country, state, and even the North Bay, but it is still something people deal with every day, and we know how challenging it can be.

Our team offers honest, upfront guidance and support to help you navigate your family law case.

For compassionate legal support near you, please call us at (415) 805-9069 or contact us online.
