Divorce signature, marriage dissolution document.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Mediation in California

What is Divorce Mediation in California?  

Divorce mediation is a voluntary and confidential process where a neutral third-party mediator helps divorcing couples reach a final divorce agreement. During the process, couples will work to iron out and agree to various terms of their divorce involving such as child custody, spousal support, property division, and debt allocation. 

Why Try Divorce Mediation? | Benefits of Divorce Mediation 

Mediation works well for many reasons. Mediated divorce settlements are typically more satisfying to the parties and more likely to result in compliance than court imposed orders. This increase in compliance is because couples have a chance to take ownership of settlement decisions instead of having to accept what the court decides.  

Despite the parties consulting with independent counsel during the mediation, the mediation cost is usually a fraction of the cost of adversarial litigation. Traditional litigation can be incredibly expensive, with attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses quickly adding up. Mediation, on the other hand, typically requires fewer meetings and less time, which translates to lower costs overall. 

Mediation permits the parties to maintain a cooperative working relationship which will serve them and their children long after the divorce is over. The minimization of conflict is of paramount importance to many couples that choose mediation. 

Mediation is a desirable alternative to litigation as it provides a neutral setting where parties may focus on their own goals and ensures that each party will hear the other’s concerns and proposal. Mediation also allows the parties to arrive at creative, economical, and unique solutions. It is completely private and does not subject the parties’ affairs to the public scrutiny of the courtroom.  

One of the key benefits of divorce mediation is its flexibility. Unlike court proceedings, where a judge imposes a one-size-fits-all decision, mediation allows you and your spouse to maintain control over the outcome and proceed at your own pace. This fosters a sense of cooperation and can significantly reduce stress and animosity during an already challenging time.  

How Do You Know If Divorce Mediation Is Right for You?  

Mediation is appropriate when the parties are: 

  • Ready. They have accepted the reality that the marriage has ended and they want to solve the issues raised by divorce. 
  • Willing. They freely consent to mediation without fear and with a willingness to share complete and accurate information. 
  • Able. They can participate effectively in a rational discussion of the issues. 

While mediation can be beneficial for many couples, there are situations where it may not be the best choice, such as:  

  • In high-conflict situations. If there is a history of domestic violence or abuse, mediation may not be appropriate. In these cases, traditional litigation may provide more protection for the victim. 
  • When there is a lack of transparency. If one spouse is unwilling to disclose financial information or other relevant details, mediation may not be effective.  
  • When there is an unwillingness to cooperate. Mediation requires both parties to be willing to communicate and collaborate. If one spouse is uncooperative, the process may not be successful. 

How Long Does Divorce Mediation Typically Take in California? 

The length of the mediation process varies depending on the complexity of the case and the willingness of both parties to cooperate. On average, a couple can complete mediation within a few months. However, the exact time you need to reach a mutual agreement can vary based on your case goals and other specifics.  

How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in California? 

The cost of divorce mediation varies depending on the mediator’s fees and the number of sessions required. Factors that can affect the cost of divorce mediation include (but are not limited to):  

1. Attorney Fees 

While it is not mandatory to have an attorney during divorce mediation, some couples choose to retain legal counsel to represent their interests. If you decide to hire an attorney, their fees will be a significant factor in the overall cost of mediation. Attorney fees can vary based on their experience, location, and fee structure. 

2. Complexity of Assets and Financial Accounts 

The complexity of the couple’s assets and financial accounts can also affect the cost of divorce mediation. If the couple has substantial assets, such as real estate, businesses, investments, retirement accounts, and other complex financial holdings, the mediation process may require more time and expertise. This can result in higher fees for both the mediator and any financial professionals involved in the case. 

3. Duration of the Mediation Process 

The length of the mediation process will directly impact the overall cost. The more sessions required to reach a resolution, the higher the fees will be. On average, divorce mediation takes between three and six sessions, with each session lasting approximately two hours. However, the duration can vary depending on the complexity of the issues and the willingness of the parties to compromise and/or participate. 

4. Location 

The cost of divorce mediation can vary based on geographic location. Mediators in urban areas or major cities in California, such as Los Angeles or San Francisco, may charge higher fees than those in smaller towns or rural areas. 

5. Mediator’s Experience 

The experience and qualifications of the mediator can also affect the cost of divorce mediation. Highly experienced mediators or those with specialized training in family law or financial matters may charge higher fees. Mediator fees in California typically range from $100 to $400 per hour, but some may charge more, depending on their expertise and reputation. 

6. Additional Professionals 

In some cases, the mediator may recommend involving other professionals, such as financial advisors, appraisers, or mental health professionals, to assist in resolving specific issues. The fees for these additional professionals will add to the overall cost of divorce mediation. 

7. Court Filing Fees 

Although mediation can help couples avoid a trial, there are still court filing fees associated with the divorce process. In California, the current filing fee, as of May 2023, for a divorce petition is $435 to $450. There may be additional fees for other court-related forms and services. 

While the cost of divorce mediation can vary based on numerous factors, it is generally considered a more affordable and less adversarial alternative to traditional divorce litigation. By understanding the numerous factors that can impact the cost of divorce mediation in California, you can make informed decisions about how to proceed with your budget.  

Is Divorce Mediation Legally Binding in California? 

While the mediation process itself is non-binding, once signed, your mediated divorce agreement is legally binding. Typically, once you have reached an agreement on all the terms of your divorce, the mediation process will close with signing the agreement.  

Can I Attend Mediation Without an Attorney?  

Yes, you can participate in mediation without an attorney. However, you can choose to retain an attorney to review any proposed agreements before signing them if you want to take extra precautions to protect yourself legally.  

It is important to note that each spouse would need to hire his or her own consulting attorney.  The attorney can speak to the spouse behind the scenes, and the spouse can engage with his/her spouse and the mediator on his/her own or, each spouse can hire his/her own respective attorney to participate with the couple and the mediator in the mediation process. 

What If We Cannot Reach an Agreement Through Mediation? 

If the parties cannot reach an agreement through mediation, they may proceed to litigation, where a judge will make decisions for them. Alternatively, they can try another form of alternative dispute resolution, such as collaborative divorce or arbitration. 

What Is the Difference Between Divorce Mediation, Collaborative Divorce, & Arbitration? 

Divorce mediation, arbitration, and collaborative divorce are three distinct methods for resolving disputes in divorce cases. Arbitration involves the appointment of an arbitrator, who acts as a private judge, to hear both sides of the case and make a legally binding decision on the disputed matters. While both processes are less formal than litigation, arbitration is more like a court trial, with each party presenting evidence and arguments to the arbitrator. 

Collaborative divorce is another alternative dispute resolution method that involves both parties working together with their respective attorneys to negotiate a settlement. This process is based on a commitment to open communication, cooperation, and full disclosure of information. Unlike mediation or arbitration, collaborative divorce requires the active participation of both parties and their legal counsel in a series of structured negotiation sessions. 

The mediator’s role in divorce mediation differs from that of the arbitrator in that the mediator does not make decisions for the parties but helps them reach a mutually agreeable solution. In collaborative divorce, both parties and their attorneys work together as a team to resolve disputes, with no neutral third party involved. Generally, mediation and collaborative divorce tend to be less expensive and time-consuming than arbitration, as they do not involve the formalities of a trial. 

The level of collaboration required in mediation and collaborative divorce is higher than in arbitration, as the former two methods focus on fostering communication and cooperation between the parties to reach a resolution. The benefits of mediation and collaborative divorce include cost savings, reduced stress, increased control over the outcome, and preservation of relationships.  

However, they may not be suitable for cases with high levels of conflict or where one party is unwilling to negotiate in good faith. Arbitration offers a more structured process and a binding decision, which may be preferable for parties seeking finality and a clear resolution. 

Is Everything Discussed in Mediation Confidential? 

In California, divorce mediation is confidential, which means that the discussions and negotiations that take place during the mediation process are not disclosed to anyone outside of the mediation session. This confidentiality is crucial in sensitive family law cases such as divorce, as it allows both parties to express their concerns, feelings, and desires openly and honestly without fear of public exposure or judgment.  

In contrast, divorce litigation is a public process in California, with court hearings and filings being accessible to the general public. Divorce records are public documents unless the couple specifically requests and obtains a court order to seal the record. This aspect of confidentiality in divorce mediation makes it an appealing option for couples who wish to maintain their privacy throughout the divorce process, allowing them to resolve their disputes amicably and discreetly. 

Can a Mediator Offer Legal Advice?  

No, the mediator’s role is to remain neutral and facilitate communication between the parties. They cannot provide legal advice or advocate for either party. If you require legal advice, it is best to consult with an attorney. 

While a mediator cannot counsel you, you should still consider obtaining a mediator that is an experienced family law attorney. Mediators are not required to be attorneys or family attorneys, but it is in your best interest to have a mediator with knowledge and experience to best help you reach an agreement based on California divorce laws. 

Can I Change My Mind After Signing a Mediation Agreement? 

Once a mediation agreement has been incorporated into a Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) or Stipulated Judgment and approved by the court, it becomes legally binding. It is important to have your individual attorneys review the agreement reached. 

Once entered, your agreement can only be modified under specific circumstances, such as a meaningful change in circumstances or if both parties agree to the modification. You will need to discuss your case with an experienced family law modification attorney.  

What Happens in a Mediation Session?  

We mutually decide on the agenda, and our attorney will emphasize our developing a process which responds to your most normal way of behaving with each other for utmost effectiveness. To prepare for mediation sessions, you can:  

  • Set a clear intention. Before the session, determine your goals and objectives. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you’re working towards a resolution.  
  • Practice mindfulness. Prior to the session, spend some time practicing mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or body scans. This will help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions during the mediation process. 
  • Prepare emotionally. Acknowledge any feelings of anger, sadness, or frustration before the session. This will help you enter the mediation with a calm and open mind. 
  • Gather necessary materials. During your sessions, you may need to bring any relevant documents, notes, or other items needed during the session. Before your next session, gathering these materials can help ensure that you have all the information needed to make informed decisions.  
  • Be flexible. Be open to compromise and consider different solutions to resolve the conflict. Sometimes, the best outcome is one that both parties can agree on, even if it’s not exactly what either side initially wanted.  
  • Follow up. After the mediation session, follow up with any agreed-upon actions or decisions. This will help ensure that the resolution is implemented, and any lingering issues are addressed. 

What Are the Ground Rules for Mediation?  

Divorce mediators may their own ground rules for sessions and the process. Here are some standard ground rules of mediation:   

  • Mediators are neutral. The mediator does not work for either of you as a counselor or advocate in connection with any of the matters arising in the mediation at a later time, nor are they able to be a witness for either of you unless both consented and felt that it was in the best interest of the parties to do so. In their role, they act as an impartial person and will make interventions pointing out unproductive communication patterns, suggest options to the parties, clarify statements made by either of you, help point out errors of disagreement and agreement, draft the agreement, and comment about the process. 
  • Meditation is voluntary. Cooperating with the mediation process is voluntary, and nothing binding happens in a mediation process until after an agreement has been reached and drafted by the mediator.  
  • Mediation is about mutuality. The process of how you and the mediator work together is mutual and to be determined by the three parties involved rather than by my imposing an immutable process on you. 
  • Mediation involves risk. Coming to an agreement just for the sake of agreeing and not standing up for what you each believe to be right is more dangerous than failing to reach an agreement and having to resort to representation by adversary lawyers. 
  • Mediation involves good faith negotiations. Both parties should agree that this is a good faith negotiation and that any statements made by either party would be inadmissible as evidence against the other. The basis for this is to allow you to say whatever you would like without legal representation.  

When you work with Fenchel Family Law PC, other ground rules for mediation include:  

  • Full disclosure. Each party promises to fully disclose all relevant facts, documents, etc., requested by the other party that may be relevant to the mediation. 
  • Splitting of fees. Unless there is a good reason to adopt some other principle, we agree on a principle that the parties will split my fees equally. 
  • Expression of opinion by mediator. Our highest priority in these mediations is for you to reach an agreement that you each believe to be fair. We will not offer any advice or opinions about any particular issue unless one or two conditions exist: (a) if it feels to the mediator that one party is taking advantage of the other in the process, or (b) that you are reaching an agreement that appears to the mediator to be extremely unfair, sufficiently unfair for the mediator  to feel that it would be a severe miscarriage of justice. 
  • Confidentiality. Our divorce mediation attorneys hold nothing confidential between the parties unless we agree that they should do so. If they speak with either of you separately, the content of the conversation is available to the other party. Our attorneys will not speak with either of your lawyers about anything that was said in the mediation unless both parties give me permission. 
  • The role of the law. Assuming you wish us to do so,  we will make predictions about what a court would do and will role play what we think your lawyers would say in each situation. We try to strike a balance between keeping the law and our prediction about what a court would do from taking over or being disregarded as irrelevant. The law is more subjective than most people experience it, and lawyers disagree about what the law is, as do judges. Ideally the law is part of the mix of things which are relevant in mediation, having no greater or lesser strength than other equally principal factors.  

Trusted Divorce Mediation Lawyers in California 

At Fenchel Family Law PC, our experienced divorce mediation lawyers are dedicated to helping you navigate the mediation process in a supportive and constructive environment. Our team understands the emotional challenges and legal intricacies involved in divorce proceedings, including mediation, and we are committed to providing personalized guidance tailored to your unique situation.  

Our firm offers a range of mediation including:  

  • Mediation consulting legal services. With this service, we serve behind the scenes during your mediation sessions and can offer additional counsel and help. 
  • Mediation without respective counsel. If you and the other partner want to conduct mediation sessions without having respective attorneys, our firm can help you.  
  • Mediation with counsel. We offer divorce mediation for couples who wish to mediate with their respective attorneys present.  

By choosing to work with Fenchel Family Law PC for your divorce mediation, you are entrusting your case to professionals who prioritize your well-being and strive to achieve the best possible outcome for all parties involved. We encourage open communication, creative problem-solving, and collaboration to ensure that your mediation experience is as smooth and amicable as possible.  

Call (415) 805-9069 to schedule an initial consultation with our divorce mediation attorneys.  
